LILAC Document Help
Sales Progress Claim
Use the Sales Progress Claim document to generate progressive Tax Invoices relating to WIP Job Cost recovery and revenue.
An initial Purchase Job Order is included to provide an example detailing cost applied to a Job.

In this case, a cost of $7,200 is applied to the WIP Ledger : Job A1 North : Sub Account B004M (allowing detailed reporting) : The Product purchased relating to this Job (A1 North) is concrete.
Scroll down/see next page.
Progress Claim
Clicking 'Refresh' has updated this document displaying a previously invoiced Progress Claim. Claim No 01 was previously applied to this Job, 'Confirmed' and invoiced for an amount of $35,000. The cost associated with Claim 01 was $22,500 and is displayed as 'Total Recovery' at this stage.

The next cost to be recovered is $7,200 (concrete).

Scroll down/see next page.
Progress Claim
At this point Progress Claim 02, for the amount of $12,000 is entered.

The $7,200 concrete cost is recovered, and revenue is generated.

By clicking 'Confirm' this Progress Claim will immediately become an on-screen Tax Invoice.

Scroll down/see next page.
Tax Invoice
The 'Confirm' button in the previous Progress Claim document has generated this Tax Invoice ready for issue.

'Previous Claims', 'This Claim', and 'Total Claims' are displayed.

The Original Contracted amount for this Job is $90,000.

In this example more Job Purchase Costs and Progress Claims are to be issued, ideally reaching the $90,000 contracted amount for Job A1 North.

Total Cost and Total Recovery appear on-screen here for the users benefit.

A Tax Invoice emailed, PDF, or printed will result in Total Cost and Total Recovery figures removed.

Scroll down/see below.

Tax Invoice (emailed, PDF, or Printed)
Internal cost figures removed.